What is the best treatment for erectile dysfunction?
Priapus Shot®
It’s a simple, non-surgical, and safe procedure that utilizes growth factors that are isolated from your own blood, called platelet-rich plasma (PRP), to treat erectile dysfunction and increase blood flow, improve firmness and sensation, and even stimulate possible length and girth.
The “Passion” Peptide
PT-141, or as we like to call it The “Passion” Peptide is a new treatment on the forefront of the fight against sexual disorder in Men and Women. The peptide has an aphrodisiac effect and unlike oral medications does not work through the vascular system. It is given the aphrodisiac distinction because it works directly through your hypothalamus to increase your desire and libido. The results thus far in testing have been outstanding and we are happy to provide an alternative that no other practice in North Florida offers.