What is the O-shot®?
The O-shot® is a new, noninvasive treatment that aims to alleviate female sexual dysfunction by extracting PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, from your own blood and injecting it directly into the vaginal area.
This revolutionary, non-surgical treatment uses your own concentrated platelets, called platelet rich plasma (PRP), to stimulate vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation, enhancing women’s sexual function.
The O-Shot® is a highly effective solution to natural sexual enhancement and has been clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients around the world achieving enhanced sexual benefits. Dr Arcila Moon was specifically trained by the inventor of The O-Shot ® , Dr. Charles Runels and is a certified and listed as an official provider of The O-Shot ®.
Schedule your initial consultation with Dr Moon online today by clicking here.
How is the O-Shot® performed?
A simple blood draw is done to obtain your plasma, and the platelets are isolated from that mixture using an FDA-approved system and centrifuge. During the preparation of the PRP, a small amount of topical numbing medication is applied to the clitoris and vaginal wall as well as a lidocaine block. These medications are used to add greater anesthetic relief for your comfort, making this procedure virtually pain free! The PRP is then injected into specific regions of the clitoris and vaginal wall where women experience sexual response.
What else can the O-Shot® treat?
Stress urinary incontinence
Lichen sclerosis
Interstitial cystitis
Vaginal scarring from trauma, episiotomy scars, past surgeries
In addition to the above, it can also enhance sexual pleasure in those with normal sexual function.
The amazing thing about PRP and the O-Shot® is that there is now hope for women who have suffered with pain from the above conditions. Treatments are safe compared with alternative treatments like medications that can cause multiple side effects. Although nothing works 100% of the time, these treatments have helped many women regain their quality of life.
How does the O-Shot® treat stress urinary incontinence?
Stress incontinence is very common in women of all ages and can occur for a variety of reasons and not just after having kids. Weakened pelvic floor muscles can occur over time with age, and many women, young or old, may find they have difficulty holding their urine when they sneeze, exercise, cough, or even in normal daily situations. Lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, and Kegel exercises along with medications have been usual treatments for stress and urge incontinence, but still many women continue to suffer from urinary accidents. The O-Shot® can be your solution to regaining confidence in your everyday activities without having to worry about embarrassing accidents.
When will I see results?
Some women having the O-Shot® for sexual health reasons see an immediate increase in sexual desire and pleasure; however, typically it may take up to 12 weeks to notice the biggest difference. Results can typically last an average of 12-18 months or more with one treatment, but some women decide to have treatments done more often.
For women seeking treatment for lichen sclerosis or more severe issues, more than one treatment may be needed to have greatest relief. However, many women have noticed significant relief from pain and itching after the first treatment. Dr. Moon will recommend a certain number of treatments, but most patients typically require no more than 3 treatments in a series a few weeks apart. Many women have noticed that if symptoms return, they are less severe and more manageable, and they opt to repeat treatments as needed.
Who should NOT get the O-Shot®?
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
Patients with low hemoglobin
Patients with low platelets
Smokers (results may vary)
Patients with active infection
Patients with active cancer
Other conditions
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Dr. Marisol Moon
The O Shot is provided in our office by Certified Provider, Dr. Marisol Moon