Gut Health & Autoimmune Diseases

Gut health and autoimmune diseases go hand in hand. It is no secret that the gut microbiome plays a major role in autoimmune thyroid diseases, such as Hashimoto's and Grave's Disease. This is because the autoimmune system works closely with our gut microbiome to maintain balance within our body.

What is a Microbiome?

A microbiome is a community of microorganisms living within any habitat. Our gut microbiome lives within our gastrointestinal system and helps regulate our immune responses, as well as provide protection against pathogens. When something goes wrong, autoimmune diseases can arise. For this reason, maintaining a healthy microbiome within your gastrointestinal system is essential to keeping your autoimmune system functioning properly.

Your Gut and Your Brain

A lesser-known fact about the gastrointestinal system is its impact on brain health! A healthy gut will improve your mood, focus and overall mental well-being. This is due to the fact that neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are produced in the digestive tract. In other words: when your gut is happy, your brain is happy.

Feeding Your Gut

Research shows that certain lifestyle changes, like eating probiotic-rich foods and avoiding processed or sugary foods, can have a positive impact on your autoimmune system. Eating plenty of gluten-free whole grains, fruits, vegetables and probiotics can help reduce inflammation in the gut, yielding an improved autoimmune response.

Take Care of Your Gut

Understanding how gut health can affect autoimmune thyroid diseases is key to living a healthier life. By maintaining an autoimmune-friendly diet and making sure your microbiome is balanced, you can optimize the function of your body and mind!

If you are struggling with autoimmune thyroid disease, and are looking to improve your autoimmune health, start with gut health. Be sure to contact a healthcare provider who understands gut health and holistic treatment. Doing so can tremendously improve your health and well-being!