
What Exactly Is Prolotherapy & How Can It Help?

A growing number of professional athletes have been turning to prolotherapy for relief from acute or chronic lower back pain. Anderson Longevity Clinic, based in Jacksonville, FL, is a leader in providing this therapy to its patients.

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy has been used since the 1930s as a form of regenerative medicine that helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. It works by injecting natural substances into weakened ligaments and tendons, which prompts them to strengthen. The result is often reduced pain and improved range of motion.

The clinic's team of experienced practitioners use state-of-the art techniques to ensure maximum effectiveness with minimal risk of side effects. They provide personalized care tailored to each patient’s individual needs. The treatments are not only highly effective at relieving back pain, but also come without many of the risks and side effects associated with traditional surgeries.

How Does Prolotherapy Work?

Prolotherapy is a non-surgical treatment used to reduce pain and improve joint mobility. It works by injecting a solution of dextrose, sodium morrhuate, lidocaine and other natural compounds into the affected area. This stimulates the body's healing response and helps to rebuild weakened or damaged tissue. Research has shown that prolotherapy can reduce pain and improve function in areas such as:

  • hips

  • knees

  • ankles

  • shoulders

  • elbows

  • wrists

  • spine

Systematic review, including meta-analysis, and randomized controlled trials suggest that prolotherapy may be associated with symptom improvement in mild to moderate symptomatic knee osteoarthritis and overuse tendinopathy.- Research
Curr Rheumatol Rep.2017 Jun;19(6):34.

What is Prolotherapy Good For?

Prolotherapy has been used for many years to treat injuries caused by arthritis, sports-related injuries or overuse syndromes. It is often recommended as an alternative to surgery or medications that have unwanted side effects. Prolotherapy is also used to treat chronic pain conditions such as:

  • fibromyalgia

  • plantar fasciitis

  • tendinitis

  • neck pain

While the exact mechanism of prolotherapy is still being studied, the treatment works by targeting damaged tissue that has become weak or strained. By increasing circulation and stimulating collagen production, prolotherapy helps to rebuild damaged tissue and reduce pain. The increased blood flow also improves joint mobility by lubricating the affected area, allowing for more comfortable movement.

How Long Does it Take Prolotherapy to Work?

Most people who undergo prolotherapy report positive results within a few weeks or months of treatment. While there is still much research to be done on prolotherapy, recent studies indicate that it can effectively reduce pain and improve mobility in many different areas.

With the right treatment plan, prolotherapy can be an excellent option for reducing joint pain and improving joint function. If you are considering a prolotherapy treatment, talk to your doctor to learn more about its potential benefits.

For those suffering from low back pain due to sports injuries or everyday wear and tear, prolotherapy can be an excellent option for providing relief without long-term reliance on potentially addictive medications or invasive surgeries.

To learn about how you may benefit from this specialized form of therapy, contact Anderson Longevity Clinic today!


Prolotherapy and PRP Treatment For Injuries

prolotherapy and PRP treatment jacksonville

Do You Have An Injury?

Hi All!

This month we will discuss how injection treatments can benefit the athlete (and even regular humans). 

We begin by discussing two types of the most commonly used treatments that we offer.

We will also explore a type of injection that is commonly used at other facilities and why we don't recommend it

Please feel free to email us if you have questions or forward this email to others if you find it to be useful. 

Thank you,
Brian Anderson, D.O.

Enter Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy was made famous by former U.S.Surgeon General, Dr Koop. He used Prolotherapy with tremendous success after trying many other types of treatment.

Prolotherapy is defined as “the rehabilitation of... a ligament or tendon, by the induced proliferation of new cells”.

Prolotherapy involves the injection of a Dextrose and Lidocaine solution into the injured tissue. It prompts healing in ligaments, tendons, and cartilage by triggering your body’s own acute injury system to heal damaged tissue.

The solution works by attracting growth factors to the injured area. The injection is usually very comfortable because Lidocaine is in the solution. 

Recovery time following treatment is typically quick. Most people are back to training the following day.

To learn more, simply click to schedule an appointment below. 

What Is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a treatment that uses your body’s own natural growth factors to repair tissue.

Platelets in your blood contain numerous growth factors. Growth factors are believed to be responsible for tissue repair and regeneration. During a PRP treatment, platelets are removed using a regular blood draw.

The PRP is then extracted from your blood and concentrated. Then the extracted growth factors are then injected into the injured area allowing you to heal. The injection is usually very comfortable. The treatment area is prepped with an anesthethic before the treatment.

Like Prolotherapy, the recovery is typically fast because a small area is injected in a precise manner. Most people are back to training the following day. 

PRP treatments have been used by many Olympians and world class athletes with great results. Schedule an appointment below to learn more.  

PRP jacksonville

Cortisone: The Fast Way To Chronic Pain

Cortisone injection can help temporarily with pain due to an injury but can lead to serious health consequences. Cortisone decreases inflammation-- however it can lead to weaker tissue in the long run. Cortisone can also lead to chronic pain and cartilage loss

Check out the National Institutes of Health's published study showing increased cartilage loss following cortisone treatment by clicking here.

The risks associated with these types of injections are obviously not favorable. This is why we do not perform cortisone injections for joint pain. 

The goal with our injection treatments is to strengthen damaged tissue and to eliminate pain. Click below to schedule an appointment to learn more about your injury treatment options.